What You Should Know About Insulation Codes When Selling Your Home
Building codes are constantly changing throughout the greater Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland metro area. When you’re selling a home, they can make life pretty frustrating.Just imagine if your home’s electrical codes were outdated! It may have electrical wires dangling from the rafters of an unfinished electrical room, or a hole in a bedroom wall that is exposed. Not only does this look unappealing to a prospective home buyer, but it’s also a safety hazard, and an inspector might say that your home failed inspection. Now you’re stuck with the additional expense of having to pay the out of pocket cost to bring everything up to industry standards.

The team from Cameron Home Insulation would like to present you with a quick overview of what you should know ahead of time, regarding current insulation codes, before trying to sell your home.

How to Determine Which Household Items to Update When Selling a Home
You should research how much it will cost you to upgrade any household items, what the benefits are, and what your home’s potential resale value will be once the project(s) have been complete. This helps you to determine if it’s worth the time and effort to do the updates. If a home improvement project will add $7,500 to your home’s resale value and it only cost your $1,000 to complete you will probably want to do it. However, if the cost is $6,000 and the added resale value will only increase by $2,000 than it might feel as if you’ve wasted both the time and your money.

Standard Insulation Codes
Insulation codes consistently change at the drop of a hat. Most older homes fail to meet regulated standards. A home that was built five years ago may have less insulation than is now required. Over 90 percent of the existing home in the United States are under insulated. On top of that, older homes that do have insulation, tend to have settling over time, making it less efficient as the insulation’s R-Value diminishes. Your home will sell much faster once it meets regulated industry code standards.

Is Your Home Compliant?
Consider working with someone that’s familiar with current building codes, and that will properly inspect your home’s insulation. The insulation professionals at Cameron Home Insulation know just what to look for, when checking your insulation. Not only do we look at the condition of your insulation, but we will also discuss the best available options to bring your home up to industry standards.

Did you know that homes built before the early 1900’s used fiber and pipe covering made from corrugated layers of asbestos paper to insulate the walls of the home? Those types of materials would be considered obsolete and far below regulated insulation code standards. On top of inspecting your insulation, we also look for signs of rodent infestation. Raccoons, squirrels, mice, and other pests often find their way into your homes warm attic area, and at times they leave behind an unwanted surprise. We will check all of this and more. The best part is, our inspection costs you absolutely nothing.

Why Repair It Now?
If you have every intention of selling your home in the next six months, it makes sense to upgrade your home’s insulation. If you can’t pay for the cost of the repairs, you may qualify for home energy rebate that you can use towards covering the cost of the job. By waiting until the last minute to fix the problem, the added expense could double in price. Give the home insulation experts at Cameron Home Insulation a call today for an insulation inspection at (443) 290-5182 so we can begin the process of adding value to your property.